Banned for gag evade
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Can I get unbanned?
so you can continue political trolling? pass
I am thinking about writing a positive review for summers eve
No political trolling.

(oh shit)
*random political talking point*
Ill apologize for political trolling and Won't do it again. The day before people were going at politics, didn't know there was a rule against it or that I would make anyone that sore.
Are you apologizing, or expressing your intent to apologize contingent upon us being nice to you first?

Also, summer's eve is a really wonderful product. It works great.
Its not against the rules. You were gagged for it since you kept repeating it ad nauseum, despite nobody responding (other than you make fun of your weak trolling). Then you couldn't just play the game, but spent your time trying to find a way around your gag.

I'm pretty sure you had no interest in playing the game if you couldn't spam your shit.

I was playing the game and was actually had the most kills on my team at the time. I don’t mean to argue. I wanted to apologize for my behavior, I was in a bad mood and shouldn’t have evaded the gag ban or posted repeatedly without responses, If you decide to unban me, I promise not to either evade a ban or spamming ad nauseum.
Shit like this is why I straight up won't tolerate political chat while I'm on. It literally turns the server into a damned chat room, people get angry, and the game isn't played.

I direct people to the forums for that kind of discussion, and have zero issue muting everyone for 5 minutes when it even starts to get out of hand. The forums are where that kind of thing belongs, no on the server during a game.

I suspect that shit like this is part of the reason that IRC/d2f Chat no longer connects to the server directly. Where people can "chat" with those in game, while not being in game themselves. One can watch the chat going on in game, but not interact. Sadly, it's probably for the better.

You want to taunt the other team, fine. You want to taunt a specific player on the other team, have at it. You want to try and turn a gaming server into a 1998 chat room, move the fuck on.
!me jots note: trolling the Qtards IS ok, just keep it fresh. No prob.
RST1123, I got something you can gag on, m8
is it your penis
No, it's yours.
RST1123 wrote:
I was playing the game and was actually had the most kills on my team at the time. I don’t mean to argue. I wanted to apologize for my behavior, I was in a bad mood and shouldn’t have evaded the gag ban or posted repeatedly without responses, If you decide to unban me, I promise not to either evade a ban or spamming ad nauseum.

Can I give you a little advice?

Never, and I mean, ever, get into a multi-player game while you're in a bad mood.

Games are meant to be enjoyed, not stressful. If you're in a bad mood, play a single player game that can help you improve your mood.

Trust me, I had to learn that lesson the hard way myself. I copped a few bans here myself for being an ass.

You live, learn, and grow.
angry_salad wrote:
No, it's yours.

He said something that can be gagged on ?
I mean this story is cool and everything but we were down 7 players the other day and still stomped all over the other team.

90-0 was almost a shut down, but time prevented the last cap. It was half way up spiral and was a done deal.
Grapefruits vs. Grapes, no doubt.
If memory serves correct they had med and upset on that team. Not even sure who we had TBH.

Memory could also not be serving correctly since im a stoner out of work and during work i expend every ounce of my memory and brain function im pretty much a vegetable when I get home
I have no idea why the balancer has it out for UPSET as much as it does, heh.
Matt_tfc wrote:
*random political talking point*

Lov it!
Mr. Walnuts wrote:
!me jots note: trolling the Qtards IS ok, just keep it fresh. No prob.

This is literally the funniest shit I've ever read at 5 in the morning... Thanks for making my day that much better

If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve.
Spoofer wrote:
I have no idea why the balancer has it out for UPSET as much as it does, heh.

His w:l is pretty high so hes ranked im sure near the top of the balancer.

He also rage quits a lot when hes on a losing team or a team which he thinks will lose which adds to the ratio I think if you are only playing on a winning team.

I do the same as well so not hating.

Ive been enjoying offense more lately. Ive more than doubled my collective medic time since returning a year ago and getting a feel for conc aim. Near 76kph which is up there with a lot of the decent medics here. Still a lot lower than the true leets like Pheesh.

I know this means nothing. I like to track my progression and use it for that purpose
Mr. Walnuts wrote:
If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve.

Wait, you are in Texas...
LBJ was from Texas...
naw.... you aren't tall enough
Is that supposed to be a subtle way of saying "they don't stack shit that high"?
gg#4 wrote:Near 76kph which is up there with a lot of the decent medics here. Still a lot lower than the true leets like Pheesh.

Mine is higher then Pheesh's @ 87.61.. not saying I'm a 'true leet' but I due wonder how much higher mine would be if I didn't screw around as D medic in the early going playing on drippys(and getting no kills just running around healing people).. Oh well. You're definitely one of the better medics on drippys, gg#4.
I never really cared about kph as medic..I care about trying to cap or annoy the other team.
Does kph equate to the effectiveness of being a good teammate? Maybe. Maybe not. I see plenty of people with a high kph on various classes that couldn't give a rats ass about winning the match or trying to outsmart the other team.
Edit: gg#4 isn't one of them, though I think ya'll value that shit way more than I do
Ignorant_Florist wrote:
Can I give you a little advice?

Never, and I mean, ever, get into a multi-player game while you're in a bad mood.

Shiiit, I guess I'll never play TFC again, then
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