Just curious
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What killed me?
Mirror damage my own resupply?
Did I get too close to KILMOV?
I guess you died with you emp primed just outside the entrance and your body landed in the spawn and the bag spawned where you landed. Since emps go through walls and can hurt people and detonate bags inside the spawn, your bag of 112 metal might have been enough to kill you?
you died from a super shotgun. BK was DM'ing outside of resupply and hit u. u had 29 health so yes u can die from that. pause the video u can see u died from a SSG.
LGMB95033 wrote:
What killed me?
Mirror damage my own resupply?
Did I get too close to KILMOV?

Does every death of yours have to be suspicious in nature?
That’s a very suspicious thing to say Prelude.
Look closely I died again after spawning. At 13 seconds in it shows my emp killed me. Why did my emp kill me?
Pretty sure Xeno's right. You died at 00:10 entering respawn with an EMP primed, and then at 00:13, the EMP detonated, blowing up the bag (on your corpse) you can see as you exit the inner spawn doors and killing you.
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