[Poll] Marjorie taylor greene
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Poll: Marjorie Taylor Greene

Agree (63%)

Disagree (38%)

Poll has ended (it ran for 7 days). 8 total votes.

Critics are complaining that Greene's focus on Jewish Space Lasers is causing her to drop the ball in leading the battle against Baby-Eating Cannibals.

As Iggy would say, citation needed.
No citation needed. See those lights in the sky when it's dark? They're Jews. Oddly enough, one sees more of them the further one gets from sources of light pollution. Anyway, that's where the Jew Lasers come from. I avoid them by not going out at night. I only leave the house when our local main sequence infra-red and UV emitting Jew Destroyer is above the horizon. The best part is that it works through clouds so I'm protected even if it's cloudy.
Is this because of your grandfather?
Don't tell anyone but he's actually the Grand PoobahJew. Sort of like a Papa Smurf, but for the Laser Jews in the sky.

@internet spiders, piss off, this is secret.
Wait, I thought he was on a guard tower and fell.
For fuck's sake keep up. The tower fell on him.
Did that happen during a rousing game of crossbows and catapults?
No, it was during a Jew Laser attack.
I don't remember lasers in a game of crossbows and catapults, but okay man, it's your story.
Actual footage of Marjorie Taylor Greene dodging Jewish Laser attack
After looking it up, I have to agree with a tweeter....you guys are really missing the mark in not calling it the Death Star of David.
Prelude to Agony wrote:
I don't remember lasers in a game of crossbows and catapults, but okay man, it's your story.

Ain't my story dude, y'all have politicians spouting gobshite like this.
These conspiracy theories are bad for my people. Why should she care where we place our sentry guns? It’s still better than x main spawn or Fluffo spot... She’s lost focus on the main objective - there are baby eating pedophiles (BLUE team) to be dealt with! - JiK MAZZ

Your Jewish mother: “he’s a nice Jewish engineer. It’s a respectable job with real career prospects. Not like that greasy sniper or the demoman you dated last spring. What were you thinking? Oy vey!”
The conspiracy theorists are going to shit their pants when they hear about who runs Israel.

LOL, on the Jewish engineer joke. What about medic?

Q is the ultimate conspiracy theory. "Trust the plan! There are actually people in the government that has the interests of middle America at heart!" What a hoot!
I baby sit a jewish couples kids once for a whole day. At the end of the day they gave me a measly 20 dollar bill.
Probably cuz the neighbors stole their flag while you hung out with the children sniping from the battlements.
Republicans really have lost the plot at this point. I mean, as if it wasn't obvious enough over the past 10 years and especially during the Trump presidency, they're now not only backing this Taylor Greene lunatic and refusing to take any action against her, they gave her a standing ovation.

This post was made a week ago and more bat-shit crazy things have emerged about her since then, but still: https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/l6jwzz/democrat_p...
The best people. A true patriot! This is exactly the type of stable genius you want in government.

Could do similar posts about the likes of Lauren Boebert, Josh Hawley, Cawthorn the spoofer, Gaetz, Ted Cruz to name but a small few. Or the republican media personalities like Fucker Carlson, Hannity, "Judge" Jeanine... could go on all day. The whole lot of them are fucking mentalists. The right & far-right in other developed countries are mostly utter dickheads, but the US republicans are a different kettle of fish all together. A different level of mental. Lurching further right by the month. It'd be political and career suicide to say what they do and behave like they do anywhere else. They try to dress it up as "free speech". It isn't. It's pure madness.

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