
Simon the Likable (STEAM_0:0:1256786)
Kills Per Hour for each Class

Body Splatter, Rocket Jockey, Pipebomb Master, Volunteer Fireman, Heavy Flag Percher, Ironman Pyro, Lone Undercover Operative, Novice Engineer

Last joined on 12/07/2021. First recorded join on 10/01/2005.

Simon the Likable has also been seen as: Puffy Guy, Super Chicken, Simon the Likeable, Simonthelikeable, Simon, (1)Player, Player

Generic Totals
Hours Played:729.68 (#550)
Enemy Kills:33,166 (#697)
Deaths from Enemies:32,668
Kill to Death Ratio:1:1.11 (#9,061)
Kills Per Hour:45.45 (#12,978)
Team Kills:106
Deaths from Team:165
Team to Enemy Kills:1:312.89
Flag Caps:100 (#1,387)
Lines Said:12,811
Team to Global Lines:1.60:1
Server Joins:1,683
? Offense Kills:10,004
? Defense Kills:23,162
Flag Carrier Kills:996 (#664)
Sentry Gun Kills:1,768 (#610)
Dispenser Kills:824 (#555)
Teleporter Exits Destroyed:1134
TP Entrances Destroyed:140
Classes40% SoldierHours: 294
Kills: 16,363
Deaths: 13,421
Caps: 29
31% SpyHours: 231
Kills: 8,477
Deaths: 10,401
Caps: 53
10% EngineerHours: 80
Kills: 3,425
Deaths: 3,092
Caps: 4
5% MedicHours: 41
Kills: 1,039
Deaths: 2,679
Caps: 8
5% HWGuyHours: 42
Kills: 2,666
Deaths: 1,839
Caps: 4
2% DemomanHours: 17
Kills: 691
Deaths: 569
Caps: 0
1% SniperHours: 8
Kills: 340
Deaths: 380
Caps: 0
<1% ScoutHours: 0
Kills: 0
Deaths: 3
Caps: 1
<1% PyroHours: 4
Kills: 165
Deaths: 284
Caps: 1
Hours Played for each Class
Game Records
Most Enemy Kills:83
Most Friendly Kills:8
Most Deaths:74
Most Suicides:9
Lines Said (all):68
Lines Said (team):45
Most Kills in a Game per Class
Custom Stats
Total uNFs:74 (#736)
Deflowerings:0 (NR)
Known straight uNFs:14%
Successful Hunts:0
Failed Hunts:0
Hunts Foiled:4
Hunt Success:N/A
Beer Purchases:0
Bagel Purchases:0
Killstreaks Ended:25
Class Changes:4,552