Some weird stuff going on when connecting
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Just had one of the weirdest things happen for as long as I've played TFC or here at D2F.

Noticed yesterday that my ping was hovering in the 60s and would somehow rocket up to the 100s. Checked to see if Steam was DLing anything and it wasn't. Neither was my anti-virus or whatever. It seemed to be fine when I joined other servers, or even played other games.
I join tonight and it says I'm unable to connect to the server. I see it refreshing fine, latency is in the 100s. Try again, it start's to join and then I get the Steam Validation error.
Then I went to check the integrity of the game files via Steam, to which it said 45 files needed to be downloaded again.
After that, I join again, and can't move. I look at the key bindings and everything is in place except WASD weren't assigned. Ping still in the 120s or so.

Weird shit.. Anyone have any ideas?
Have you tried changing your fabric softener?
Wait, didn't you mention somewhere that you'd kill the Steam updater process because it took a long time when loading Steam? Maybe that affected file integrity?

And a number of times last week, my latency shot to 500. Normally it's about 15. Rebooted everything, but I think it was just Comcast.
Not sure what happened, but it seems to be fixed now. EDIT: my map textures and models reset

Feel free to delete this thread.
Still kind of odd; reminds me of the time TFC randomly uninstalled itself.
If anything like that 'randomly' occurred on one of my systems there would be a full on immediate hunt for any potential malware. It's not the sort of thing that should be happening on a healthy system.
My TFC instance won't close cleanly any more. It crashes every time I Alt-F4. Valve doing Valve things.
it happened to me a long long time ago but i don't remember what i did to fix it
i think i had to delete local files
but i could be wrong
i know other people have had this problem
i hope someone can give you answers

This sounds like the beginnings of a murder mystery
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