If 2fort could have swimming fish, which would you want?
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If 2fort could have fish swimming in the waters under the bridge, what kinds would you desire?

Goldfish - they're harmless just like the rest of you most of the time!

Sharks - fuck fish. I want to see a shark with its jaw wide open waiting at the teleporter exit ripping heads off.

Piranha - their razor sharp teeth will make even a quick dip into the pool for a conc take half your health away.

Need more ideas, haha. Swordfish, bass, catfish, Tuna. Or keep it simple & have a non-moving jellyfish or electric eel, where if your player touches it you die instantly.
I'd rather see Dolly return to follow people around again.

And occasionally explode because Ralphy is an asshole.
Manatees. Two of them. Big, dumb, and slow. But provides cover you can swim behind to avoid damage and sometimes blocks your way when you try to conc out or swim down a tunnel.
The prehistoric shark monster pulled from the challenger deep a week ago from black mesa. There was a server that had that in all the waters and it made you get out of there quick!
Not a bad idea to implement those worm enemies in the water from Half Life that did 1 damage.
I think it's the ktrain server that has the big water monster from half life that will knock a good chunk of your health off.
Force the sea creature to hold still on top of your teleporter entrance as the poisonous monster becomes somebody else's problem!

Or hookup a red & black cable to the waters for just one day, instantly killing any player who touches water. Force lazy conc players to learn to hh jump up. Smart engineers would sneak down to the enemies waters & build an exit there as enemies would assume it was safe from intruders since swimming is impossible. Also imagine the fun in knocking literally everybody into the suicidal waters below! Cross that bridge with caution!
But that would turn the bridge into a spamfest! Oh, nevermind...
[IOD]Snips wrote:
If 2fort could have fish swimming in the waters under the bridge, what kinds would you desire?

Goldfish - they're harmless just like the rest of you most of the time!

Sharks - fuck fish. I want to see a shark with its jaw wide open waiting at the teleporter exit ripping heads off.

Piranha - their razor sharp teeth will make even a quick dip into the pool for a conc take half your health away.

Need more ideas, haha. Swordfish, bass, catfish, Tuna. Or keep it simple & have a non-moving jellyfish or electric eel, where if your player touches it you die instantly.

Oooo Baracuda....
Octopus, not very fast but grab on to you for a while if you are stationary. Cough, underwater HW cough,
Build an exit at the bottom of your enemies elevator. Next carefully push the underwater fish onto the teleporter's entrance & watch as suddenly water along with fish begins to pour around the corners flooding their basement. As engineers panic to enter their lower respawn, the sound of the respawn turret firing against confused sharks can be heard. An excited scout looks down the elevator shaft into the dark waters below and says "oh hell no!"

The sound of banging metal & construction can be heard, as LG begins to build a teleporter exit onto his own sniper deck. "Alright snipers, all of this is your problem now!"
Boo Boo wrote:
Oooo Baracuda....

I read that with the guitar riff...
Yup...if you didn't sing it, you didn't get it.
Old broad :P
Older geezer.... :P lol
Even better idea. Spawn the ichtysaur form half life at random.
Boo Boo wrote:
Yup...if you didn't sing it, you didn't get it.

You’re a girl?!
@op SpongeBob and Patrick
Piranha would be good. I want to see those pesky medic bridgegods being triturated.
Suddenly a cease fire occurs, as both red & blue approach the edges of the bridge. They begin to unload pipes & grenades. Pyro's begin to boil the water.

Whatever lives down there must die immediately! Shove a scout or sniper in as an offering or sacrifice just to be safe.
A beautiful & majestic Dolphin approaches. With a twinkle in its eye, it smiles & tilts forward offering to give you a ride.

**THUD THUD THUD** as a player behind is hitting the dolphin with his crowbar:
"Look I found a tiny whale, how many points is he worth!?"
Leaning over the bridge I looked down & saw the most hideous looking fish, it was so ugly it would make women weep & children scream. But then realized it was just my reflection.
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