Livestreaming and magfest
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As has been brought up, I did a Livestream on YouTube last night for Friendly Fire Friday.

Since I'll be going to MAGFest (Music And Gaming Festival) this coming weekend.... I won't be on Friday night.

My bags are packed and ready to leave on Thursday for the event. I'll be picked up on Sunday.

For anyone interested, you can check out the event here:
I'll be "working" the event, but unpaid (details in a bit).... I'll be at the "Claw Machine" area of the Retro Arcade room. The guy I help out knows my physical limitations, and is willing to work with me on that. He never asks me to do something he knows I can't physically handle. Still, just for being there and doing what little I can to help him out, I get to stay at a highly rated hotel (just look at that place), pretty much "do anything I want" when not "on duty", and have access to parts of the event not open to the general public.

I first went to this event in 2017, and honestly, my ONLY complaint is that it's in January, and can be cold as fuck outside (where the smokers congregate). That said, I had an absolute BLAST that year, and because of a band I wanted to see that was in attendance last year, I decided to repeat the experience so long as I could go see this band live.

If you're wondering what band that might have been, it's a Transformers (Gen 1) tribute band. They started out performing the soundtrack to the 1986 Transformers: The Movie, and branched out from there.

I used Facebook Live to show some of the concert, and those videos are still up on my Facebook account.

But anyway.... because I'll be doing that this coming weekend, and because I had so much fun doing the Livestream last night, I'll be trying to do another one tonight.

I'm going to try to add my "Intro" to it, but no idea if that will work out or not. I'm still using Buck's music that he wrote and performed for me.

Anyone interested in seeing it, and joining in with the chat is welcome. I'll try to pay some attention to it, as the chat will be open on my second monitor, and should be in easy view.
So, feel free to join in, chat with me and whomever else shows up.
Let me write you a you a quick intro tune.
Please do! I only really need 5-7 seconds of one. I've been told that "long intros" turn people off to what you're doing.
Here ya go.
This is a little longer than that, however I faded it out figuring you can have your video going as the song fades out.
This was a Kraftwerk Space Lab cover I started one day but abandoned. In neo 80s style.
Let me know if OK.
I can definitely work with that! It sounds great. Thanks, man!

I'll see if I can trim it a little, or something... but I like it! That's definitely my kind of vibe.
This is highly dissapointing I thought this was to do with OnlyFans
And here I thought only Gaba would be interested in me having an Onlyfans account.....

Ignorant_Florist wrote:
I can definitely work with that! It sounds great. Thanks, man!

I'll see if I can trim it a little, or something... but I like it! That's definitely my kind of vibe.

I can snip this up for sure, let me know.

EDIT: I would love to remix the Buck bass thing he did as well, that would be fun.
Ignorant_Florist wrote:
And here I thought only Gaba would be interested in me having an Onlyfans account.....

Thats a fantastic name for a ceiling fan store now that I think of it. Random people will walk in just for the name.
-[IBSC]-iLluSiON- wrote:
Ignorant_Florist wrote:
I can definitely work with that! It sounds great. Thanks, man!

I'll see if I can trim it a little, or something... but I like it! That's definitely my kind of vibe.

I can snip this up for sure, let me know.

EDIT: I would love to remix the Buck bass thing he did as well, that would be fun.

I can't find my audio editing software.... so if you want to do that, I'd be even more appreciative! Also, I was thinking maybe 6-7 seconds for the "intro", and the rest for the outro (since that can be longer). As I said, shorter intros tend to keep people from "clicking off" of your video (I got that tip from a fellow YouTuber, and it seems factual, given what I've seen).

Also, also, if you want to try and incorporate Buck's baseline into that or working it differently somehow, I'd be interested in hearing that, too. He WAS kind enough to make that for me, and I do appreciate him doing that for me.

Myself, I tend to "click through" longer intros on other people's channels.... but those are channels I'm already interested in watching because I've seen their content before. Any "intro" that lasts longer than, say, 10 seconds tends to be a real "fuck it, find something else to watch".

The attention span of people is getting shorter, and even I'm not immune to that. In my case, it's probably exacerbated by some of the medications I'm on.

The guy who inspired me to do the Livestream gaming literally doesn't have an intro... just a real short "script" he does at the start of every video... which takes about 3 seconds to recite. He says, "Cliff Beats, No script, off the rip." and that's it. Done. Then he just makes it up as he goes along.

I like to have the "Gen-X/not for children" warning at the beginning, for obvious reasons. As well as that quick "Generation X is sick of your bull<bleep>." that I swiped from a series titled, "Generation X".

@Ignorant_Florist , screenshot from your stream last night -

Try and set the sound effects volume circled red in that general area for future streams, so we can hear you on the microphone better. TFC in general is really LOUD and lots of explosions don't help.. it was hard to hear you earlier on in the stream when the sound effects volume was turned up.(as others noted as well) Hope this helps.

Great stream!
I appreciate the help, Matt! I'm still trying to get everything sorted, so every suggestion helps make it better.

I still have my camera go wonky on me once in a while, but I think it's a loose wire. In order to "reset" it, I would have to stop the stream and reboot OBS, which I didn't want to do. That's why I only showed the camera when you guys wanted to see my new hair colour. =D

Also, you'll likely see some people join in that I know from other streamers and YouTube channels. Feel free to promote yours when you see them.

As discussed last night, Cliff Beats encourages people to "self promote" on his streams, as well as on his Discord servers. He's a really good guy, is always positive, and has built a really good community of people. He does gaming as well as music Reactions and breakdowns. We're always messing with him (but it's all in fun, and he knows it).

Like Cliff does, I want to "pay it forward". It's because of him, and "Flickering Box" that I'm closing in on 500 subscribers.
Iggy has survived another MAGFest! WOOHOO!

I had a great time down there, but there WAS a bit of a hickup...

I somehow lost the cable to charge my phone with... and apparently most of the people there are Android users. >.<

But I did get to borrow a cable for one night, so I did manage to get some pics and videos... Just not enough to do the livestreaming I was planning on doing.

I'll have to go out in a while, and buy another cable.... because my phone died while I was waiting for Katina to pick me up. But at least it lasted long enough for me to arrange the pick-up.
-[IBSC]-iLluSiON- wrote:
Here ya go.
This is a little longer than that, however I faded it out figuring you can have your video going as the song fades out.
This was a Kraftwerk Space Lab cover I started one day but abandoned. In neo 80s style.
Let me know if OK.

Okay, just to let you know, I re-downloaded Audacity (it somehow vanished off of my system).... and did a little editing myself. But if you do anything with it, I'm still open to new ideas, and suggestions.

I'm about to record a video, and I'll use your music for it. I thank you for that music, as it's pretty damned awesome! If I can find a way to use the full clip, I've still got an untouched copy of it. I clipped the first 7 seconds for the intro, that will give me some "leeway" when I have to insert the "Fair Use" disclaimer. I'm using the last 15 seconds for the outro, because that can be longer (and I really like how it sounds).

I really did enjoy the whole thing, and I think it works great for what I'm doing.
I just posted a quick video I did, showing off the little presents I got from my new friends at MAGFest. It's pretty short, but it also serves as a test for Illusion's music (slightly edited).


(Dumbass... add the link!)
Oh, nice. That works great.
-[IBSC]-iLluSiON- wrote:
Here ya go.
This is a little longer than that, however I faded it out figuring you can have your video going as the song fades out.
This was a Kraftwerk Space Lab cover I started one day but abandoned. In neo 80s style.
Let me know if OK.

That’s really cool did you really just compose that on the spot for iggy
No, I did it last year but abandoned it and never finished it. It was a cover of this song:
I'm grateful you went back to it and are allowing me to use it.

In the words of Jason Mewes, "That shit is the MAD notes!"
Honestly the reason why I thought about using it was because I know you like Germany and Kraftwerk is German. Also, I know you like the 80s, and I used 80s-influenced synths for it.

Kraftwerk's album Computer World from 1981 may be one of the most important albums in electronic music history, yet your average Joe doesn't know who they are
I akin that to a mixture of several different periods of Pink Floyd, if I'm honest about it. It's got that early 70s "Prog-Rock" vibe, which to be fair, is what the early-mid 80s "electronic" vibe descended from... and mix THAT with the later "popular electronica" vibe that descended from it.

But you're right.... I really DO dig it!

(And yes, you know me VERY well, my friend!)
Also, there WILL be a LiveStream tonight.... I'm just not sure what time it will start, there's a lot of factors involved. But there will be one.

Also, the "replay" will be available as soon as YouTube allows it. So, you CAN play, and go watch the stream later. However, feel free to stop by and join the chat for a bit if you like. I will be live-chatting with whomever joins the stream.
-[IBSC]-iLluSiON- wrote:
No, I did it last year but abandoned it and never finished it. It was a cover of this song:

Well I like it!
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