Drippy's all star team
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Every Sunday for the next 9 weeks, I'm going to post a new thread about the D2F AST

As a community, let's put together the 3 top CURRENT players (regulars) for each class. These top 3 don't need to be ranked in order, but just the top best 3 of each class. Everybody can throw names out there and the 3 names with the most amount of mentions will lead that class.

Everybody please comment the names of who you recommend and I'll keep track of the points for each player. I'll consider it "closed" once a week passes. So, this will be a 9 week run starting this Sunday, 1/21. The first thread will be "Drippy's All Star Team - Scouts", and so on and so forth each Sunday in succession going down the TFC class list (sniper, soldier, demo, etc...)

PS: This idea was inspired when I joined earlier as sniper and had to face this lineup:

-Deimo Seef

They were all snipers...probably my worst nightmare unless Akutow randomly joined too.

Anyway, I hope this is a fun idea to kind of get some people engaged and give some props and recognition to the guys and gals that regularly kick ass!
Vote for Pedro
This might actually be hard to figure out. Some classes have a LOT of good active players. Frankly I think I'm one of the top 10 engies currently active on the server but that might be biased by my playing at the same time every day and not seeing those who play at other times. And I think looking at stats is unreliable because I only have 550 hours logged compared to over 3k for some of the others with better ranking in the stats. But I'm almost always the top engy on my team and never lower than 2nd. And there are some engies who never leave the base and others who go on offense when needed etc. Lots to think about is what I'm saying.
Top 3 pyros: Dylan, Dylan and Dylan because they spit hot fire.
This is hard because what’s the criteria? Is a stat padder who runs into spawn with a 50-2 score better than the player who got the game winning cap? Is the person who has to go against wave after wave of O while they are alone in the basement killing enemies who have 100% vitals better then the person who gets help form their team and only has to deal with enemies coming down with 50% or less vitals? Is someone who strictly plays D better than someone always on O? This ain’t a black and white topic but GABA’s anus is.
best engi - tanya
best soldier - kilmov
best at being gay - gaba
Who's the best at sucksing?
I prefer the "under-rated players" shout-out threads to the "all star" topics.

-X- is nearly as bad as you can be at the game, but I prefer having him on my team over 80% of you losers because he pushes offense religiously. Same with Bikerepairman and Olinkapo. Hell even Jackhammer goes offense and I'm pretty sure his IQ is like 83.
Can you confirm if your asshole is black and white?
I bleach it and I shave it I like the feeling of moustache hair prickles when my girlfriend goes down on me.
okay so you keep putting the ads back on, and I'm not hidden, but you respect spring day.

Got it.
Ads? Tf you talking about?
Gaba (on a good day)


Other great snipers: Dull, Jake, Poot, Gaba, UPSET.
Wisdom is the best. Everyone else shit. Including gaba because he eats people's pets.
The problem with this is everyone wants a trophy, with the nameplate at the bottom declaring the winner is instead a shiny mirror that shows yourself.

It's popular for gamers to repeat the same tactics & play the same class like a record instead of growing. Or exploring different routes. Some engineers lately are getting creative with dispenser kills which is refreshing. Changing up SG placements, listening for footsteps better too. Not suiciding with grenades as a defense in basement, before switching to basement pyro.

I don't trust the maturity of many here to give recognition to others or show vulnerability to ask questions to other gamers. Perhaps some of you will respect skillful players instead of getting angry, resorting to spam or odd class roles mid-match. Or demonizing an entire class altogether forever.

My opinion is the snipers that say "ns" or can ask a question, instead of the mindset they are a god with no room to grow or improve belong on the sniper list. I think as snipers it's easier to judge skill & every sniper has their own internal list of threats. But asking for names is like when you asked your parents which of your brothers & sisters is their very favorite, that's just asking for trouble! Shoutout to General Yeargan for having the maturity & courage to list names.

Some MVP unspoken heroes are engineers, especially ones capable of defending against multiple skilled offense & using tools at their disposal such as exploding dispensers & their microphone to relay threat information. Again & again they do not get credit for winning or losing a match. Unlike other roles, often times the choices they make can determine a match. It's like a godly guitar player who's also the drummer in a band who writes every single song, however all the fans give credit to the flashy lead singer instead.

We all play 2fort for those moments when it's a tied game, the clock is ticking and suddenly both flags are on the move! You become a star or a turd based on choices made in the moment.
Tanya for best engineer because I never have seen anyone use the resupply turret as a strategy as it does.
"the maturity of many here"

Think about it....
I can think of a few names to nominate off the top of my head. It is hard to remember specific names in some cases. What comes to mind right off the bat is being shanked by Lark. He'll definitely get my nomination for spy.
I'd nominate so many of you but you hide your identities so often that I have no idea who the hell is on my team.
[IOD]Snips wrote:
The problem with this is everyone wants a trophy, with the nameplate at the bottom declaring the winner is instead a shiny mirror that shows yourself.

It's popular for gamers to repeat the same tactics & play the same class like a record instead of growing. Or exploring different routes. Some engineers lately are getting creative with dispenser kills which is refreshing. Changing up SG placements, listening for footsteps better too. Not suiciding with grenades as a defense in basement, before switching to basement pyro.

I don't trust the maturity of many here to give recognition to others or show vulnerability to ask questions to other gamers. Perhaps some of you will respect skillful players instead of getting angry, resorting to spam or odd class roles mid-match. Or demonizing an entire class altogether forever.

My opinion is the snipers that say "ns" or can ask a question, instead of the mindset they are a god with no room to grow or improve belong on the sniper list. I think as snipers it's easier to judge skill & every sniper has their own internal list of threats. But asking for names is like when you asked your parents which of your brothers & sisters is their very favorite, that's just asking for trouble! Shoutout to General Yeargan for having the maturity & courage to list names.

Some MVP unspoken heroes are engineers, especially ones capable of defending against multiple skilled offense & using tools at their disposal such as exploding dispensers & their microphone to relay threat information. Again & again they do not get credit for winning or losing a match. Unlike other roles, often times the choices they make can determine a match. It's like a godly guitar player who's also the drummer in a band who writes every single song, however all the fans give credit to the flashy lead singer instead.

We all play 2fort for those moments when it's a tied game, the clock is ticking and suddenly both flags are on the move! You become a star or a turd based on choices made in the moment.

Thanks man. It's always a good thing to give props to other good players 👏
level1nobody wrote:
I'd nominate so many of you but you hide your identities so often that I have no idea who the hell is on my team.

checks stat page and looks at aka.....
Yeah yeah, I have my fun, but everyone knows it's me by the end of the round. I even use voice chat to inflict my voice on my teammates. Plus I'm always using my same dumb sprays. And 99% of my playtime (in recent history, that is) is under a lonerangers-esque handle.

Edit: But when Urethra Franklin or PIG-PUSSY join, I just have to change my handle to Aretha Peehole and PORCINE-VAGINE respectively.
mmarino51589 wrote:
Every Sunday for the next 9 weeks, I'm going to post a new thread about the D2F AST

As a community, let's put together the 3 top CURRENT players (regulars) for each class. These top 3 don't need to be ranked in order, but just the top best 3 of each class. Everybody can throw names out there and the 3 names with the most amount of mentions will lead that class.

Everybody please comment the names of who you recommend and I'll keep track of the points for each player. I'll consider it "closed" once a week passes. So, this will be a 9 week run starting this Sunday, 1/21. The first thread will be "Drippy's All Star Team - Scouts", and so on and so forth each Sunday in succession going down the TFC class list (sniper, soldier, demo, etc...)

PS: This idea was inspired when I joined earlier as sniper and had to face this lineup:

-Deimo Seef

They were all snipers...probably my worst nightmare unless Akutow randomly joined too.

Anyway, I hope this is a fun idea to kind of get some people engaged and give some props and recognition to the guys and gals that regularly kick ass!

It kinda sucks to play against you too. LOL

I love you Boo Boo
Boo Boo's a pretty decent sniper aswell.
You too Statix. LOL

At least I don't suck QUITE as bad as I used to...
Practice makes perfect 👌
Boo Boo wrote:
mmarino51589 wrote:
Every Sunday for the next 9 weeks, I'm going to post a new thread about the D2F AST

As a community, let's put together the 3 top CURRENT players (regulars) for each class. These top 3 don't need to be ranked in order, but just the top best 3 of each class. Everybody can throw names out there and the 3 names with the most amount of mentions will lead that class.

Everybody please comment the names of who you recommend and I'll keep track of the points for each player. I'll consider it "closed" once a week passes. So, this will be a 9 week run starting this Sunday, 1/21. The first thread will be "Drippy's All Star Team - Scouts", and so on and so forth each Sunday in succession going down the TFC class list (sniper, soldier, demo, etc...)

PS: This idea was inspired when I joined earlier as sniper and had to face this lineup:

-Deimo Seef

They were all snipers...probably my worst nightmare unless Akutow randomly joined too.

Anyway, I hope this is a fun idea to kind of get some people engaged and give some props and recognition to the guys and gals that regularly kick ass!

It kinda sucks to play against you too. LOL

hehe boo boo, nothing but love <3
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