D2f ast - snipers
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Snipers - those that you've noticed make an IMPACT to the game. Generally speaking, Snipers will be impacting the game in the sense that they can disrupt offense, give their own teams O a reasonable opportunity to not get picked off by enemy snipers, and they generally are able to contribute toward controlling the yard.

(rupp, gaba, Xander, dullrazor, mashadar as honorable mentions)

If he played more recently, I’d picked [CiC]Rain Man.
Snipers don't make an impact. Except maybe Jodi. He'll actual go o or defend a position.
Jodi is definitely a jagoff, in the most complimentary sense.
nese wrote:
Snipers don't make an impact. Except maybe Jodi. He'll actual go o or defend a position.

I disagree. Obviously they have a huge impact when the opposing team doesn’t have competent concers. But also people like Upset uses sniper as a ploy. I have seen him quite a few times play o as medic and bash against an overloaded defense. He’ll stop and go sniper. Other team d gets bored and starts going O. Upset picks them off at such a rate that they get frustrated and make a strong effort on O. Upset then changes to a medic and grabs the flag from an empty basement. Upset wins. Been on the opposing side; it sucks lol.
But is that the class, or the person? It's the most interesting thing to do when you're bored rather than watch paint dry in your own basement.
nese wrote:
Snipers don't make an impact. Except maybe Jodi. He'll actual go o or defend a position.

Oo, an honourable mention. I always rush forward, in tight matches, when the flag eventually makes its way up the spiral, especially the grate area. I’ll rush forward, lob nades up there, then run through the ramp room to cause a diversion, as our attackers go for the flag. When the defenders see it’s me they go berserk and chase after me.. fucking hell, am I hated on the server? 😂
I'll mention Boo boo, she doesn't give herself enough credit & has verbally expressed her lack of ability. However its apparent she's able to hold her own & has grown much better as a sniper, likely from her humble outlook & eagerness to learn and grow. She doesn't quit sniping if the other teams are stacked with good snipers either.
[SHS]Hitz wrote:
nese wrote:
Snipers don't make an impact. Except maybe Jodi. He'll actual go o or defend a position.

Oo, an honourable mention. I always rush forward, in tight matches, when the flag eventually makes its way up the spiral, especially the grate area. I’ll rush forward, lob nades up there, then run through the ramp room to cause a diversion, as our attackers go for the flag. When the defenders see it’s me they go berserk and chase after me.. fucking hell, am I hated on the server? 😂

You come to mind as one of the good snipers here. I think what sets you apart is that you will also snipe from the basement. Also you will track people who clearly are going water spiral, say a medic who jumped in the water that didn't conc to your deck and snipe them one they go up the water spiral from your ramp room.

A team with good snipers can make very difficult to even get across the bridge.
List needs moar Headshot Gods
Statix is top of the list for me. He's quick to shoot, switches up his location frequently and he will also go into enemy base and snipe behind enemy lines.

[SHS]Hitz wrote:
nese wrote:
Snipers don't make an impact. Except maybe Jodi. He'll actual go o or defend a position.

Oo, an honourable mention. I always rush forward, in tight matches, when the flag eventually makes its way up the spiral, especially the grate area. I’ll rush forward, lob nades up there, then run through the ramp room to cause a diversion, as our attackers go for the flag. When the defenders see it’s me they go berserk and chase after me.. fucking hell, am I hated on the server? 😂

This is useful. Thank you for your service.

* gaba stands to attention and salutes
JiK MAZZ wrote:
Statix is top of the list for me. He's quick to shoot, switches up his location frequently and he will also go into enemy base and snipe behind enemy lines.


Dullrazor sniper talent marginal but he don’t quit, ever.


I'm deducting a point from Statix though, because he hides from UPSET.

Also, I hate snipers.
Thanks for the honorable mention. These days i dont snipe much because of the balancer being 15v9 and being spammed out and i kinda prefer offense more. But thanks for the kind words.

All the aforementioned, of course. To add some new names to the mix:

Mr. LeCat is.... Well, how to say, questionable.
He is a challenge, I don’t recall suspecting him of cheating though. But, there surely are not too many snipers who can register continued 25-50% hit rates of medics zig zagging through the air after a hh conc across bridge.

And it pisses me off.

It pisses me off so much that I’m trying to befriend him on steam and Facebook to trick him into giving me enough identifying information to have him swatted next time he frustrates me in game.

To Ralph my NSA agent, no relation to Ralphy, i have no such ability or desire to implement the scenario above.
[...] to have him swatted [...]

In Minecraft. "...to have him swatted in Minecraft..."
What class are we on now?

Who is the top soldier I’m going to guess people will say Zeus upset xeno in some order.

Who else? Lots of really good sollies but the guys like Zeus don’t come around D2F much.
Still on snipers. Each class gets a week. Sunday will be soldiers
EmotionallyDisturbedParakeet wrote:
What class are we on now?

Who is the top soldier I’m going to guess people will say Zeus upset xeno in some order.

Who else? Lots of really good sollies but the guys like Zeus don’t come around D2F much.

Fuck you. All trash choices. Best solly is that goat fucker kilmov….CORRECTION….koala fucker
mmarino51589 wrote:
Still on snipers. Each class gets a week. Sunday will be soldiers

Seems thread was made 1-29 ergo 2-5 we can start talking about soldiers assuming soldier is the next class.

What is the next class?
I don't think we really have enough content to talk about a class for a week.

Maybe people that snipe should share their mouse configs and pc setup, that makes a bigger difference than people tend to give credit.
I think we should adhere to the weekly schedule. We need structure. Children crave structure.
I'll add some new names

Mightymouse (dude has 32KPH more than a hacker)

Yeah his kph is inflated due to low hours. But he will still be a 170+kph sniper.

I mean even spoofers most played steamid is is only 157kph and he's a sniping god.
nominate vishus - 150 kph
Vushus is a great sniper. But a man named Tech sucks.
gg#4 wrote:
I mean even spoofers most played steamid is is only 157kph and he's a sniping god.

That's my lowest KPH of the 3 I have in the top 20. XD

But yeah I suck now, all washed up, that's why I just play FFXI lol.

I've never played with MM, but yeah I hear he's a beast.
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