Idea: add 'grenade only' kills to scoreboard
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Must be a kill using the regular non-secondary grenade to have a new separate counter increase. This could do several things. Reveal that certain gamers never get grenade kills or that they excessively spam them. If a gamer decides to wait for the grenade resupply bag to increase this metric, they'll sacrifice their overall total kill score resulting in them showing up at the bottom of the regular scoreboard. It could be interesting to see grenade activity among the higher scoring players in a round.

It could reveal flaws or personal preference traits in themselves or others when it comes to grenade usage. Lots of players never throw a single grenade which is a waste. Perhaps try something like this for a week or two, a little picture of a grenade along with the number on the scoreboard.

Throwing secondary grenades such as MIRVs and EMPs resulting in kills would not contribute as the effectiveness in secondaries varies way too much between classes. With scouts being the only exception, every class spawns with & has equal damage when it comes to throwing a standard grenade.
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