Frozen eggs are people…
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… so is Soylent green.
So long as the eggs can gestate without the help of an actual female (especially of the Democrat variety), they can be counted as people. Otherwise, they could only be counted as people while outside the womb; the second one of these eggs is placed in a womb, it becomes exclusive right of the host to do with as she pleases*.

*Unless of course there was some way to inject a chemical into the egg to ensure that it would grow up to be a Democrat voter (any drug that removes reason and accountability would work for this). In that case, the eggs would become a protected class akin to illegal immigrants.
Fry 'em up and add hot sauce.
...and pepperjack cheese
American KGB wrote:
So long as the eggs can gestate without the help of an actual female (especially of the Democrat variety), they can be counted as people. Otherwise, they could only be counted as people while outside the womb; the second one of these eggs is placed in a womb, it becomes exclusive right of the host to do with as she pleases*.

*Unless of course there was some way to inject a chemical into the egg to ensure that it would grow up to be a Democrat voter (any drug that removes reason and accountability would work for this). In that case, the eggs would become a protected class akin to illegal immigrants.

You'd think Democrats would be against abortion since if I recall correctly blacks and hispanics are the ones doing the most abortin'. Less abortion from them would of course mean more diversity.
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