All the cnc games minus remaster are on sale on steam right now.
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Just picked it up for $5.18. Literally all of them except for CnC remaster (which I already own). Just a heads up for anyone that’s looking to pick it up.
Thank you for that head's up! I grabbed that deal up as soon as I could. Been playing Tiberian Sun for a while, now.

I'm not sure if they are doing this to check for interest in the old games, to see if doing a Remaster of Tiberian Sun and that level of Red Alert games is worth the effort or not.... but I'm in!

Granted, this will be the 5th time (I think) that I've bought Tiberian Sun... but with it being my favorite of the series... I'm okay with spending another $7 for it.

With the bundle including a few games I already had in my library, that DID make it a little cheaper... but like I said... TS (and Firestorm) is my favorite of the series.... so..... WORTH IT!
All this for £10? What a bargain!

Command & Conquer
Command & Conquer: The Covert Operations
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Command & Conquer: Red Alert: Counterstrike
Command & Conquer: Red Alert: The Aftermath
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Firestorm
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge
Command & Conquer: Renegade
Command & Conquer: Generals
Command & Conquer: Generals: Zero Hour
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars: Kane's Wrath
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3: Uprising
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight
got it!
Nice, I just picked it up, thanks for the heads up.
I think C&C Tiberium Dawn and the original Red Alert were already all freeware. I've only played those. How do the sequels compare? Red Alert was pretty cool but nothing will compare to the original C&C. I played that one when I was like 9 or 10 and I still have the "omg! this is the coolest thing ever!" etched in my memory. I got the freeware of it a few months back and it's a total nostalgia to a simpler time of the 90's.
why so cheap for you? steam store has my listing at $9.88.
You know I think it discounted it because I owned some of the games. Cause I notice it said your price when it would say price for other games. That’s pretty neat of them
I challenge you all to Starcraft Big Game Hunter match.
XenOz3r0xT wrote:
You know I think it discounted it because I owned some of the games. Cause I notice it said your price when it would say price for other games. That’s pretty neat of them

This is the reason. Mine came to less than $7, because I already owned both C&C 3's, and C&C 4. Actually, I owned this collection on physical media, as well as Origin, but the Origin version could decide if it wanted to work or not.

Tiberian Sun works great on Steam, and I can't swear to it, but I think they did a little "upscaling" on the FMV. It looks pretty clean, where it used to be a little grainy at times.

C&C 4 is not an RTS game, though. Both versions of C&C 3 are, but I didn't like the visual style of that one.

Apparently, they did SOME kind of work on it, because I haven't had any issues with it, yet.

If you like the original C&C, still get the Remaster collection, as that's worth the extra expense given what you get with it. I'm still hoping for a Remaster of Tiberian Sun, but a decently playable version on Steam makes me quite happy.
I played the shit out of the Remastered edition a year or so ago, good stuff.
I heard they didn't really do much to the AI. There were parts from the original C&C where the AI was spot on and other parts where it was pretty dumb. Like I think there is a level where the enemy had artillery on a cliff next to your base with all of your structures in range but for whatever reason would not attack unless you attacked first. Did you feel the remastered edition improved the AI at all?
They updated the interface a bit with some quality of life stuff from future games I think, but they left the AI the same I believe in order to preserve the original authenticity and experience, which I'm on board with. They even allow you to switch back to the original graphics on the fly should anyone prefer.

But the AI will pretty much be as wonky/idiotic/charming as before so that it'll play like we all remember it (for good or bad).
Yeah, the AI was pretty much simply optimized for better performance, but not alter the game play very much. Frankly, I love what they did. Probably the most notable change (aside from the visual stuff) was allowing you to stack-purchase units up to 20 per. THAT was a huge benefit to that game. Even Tiberian Sun only allowed a stack of 5, which helps a bit... because sitting there wearing out your mouse button "Building... Unit Ready <click> Building... unit ready <click> building... unit ready" etc was really annoying. You couldn't take your attention away from that to organize your attack or defense.

Another "quality of life" change was adding those hot keys for easier access. Highlight your tanks, press ONE button, and they go running over enemy troops. LOVE IT! That "splat" sound is SO satisfying.

You also get every bonus mission from every release on every platform, in one game. Back in the day, each platform got its own "special missions" unique to their platform, as a selling point. Now they are all here, in the Remaster.
Yeah, those building stacks / shortcuts were much needed for Tiberian Dawn. Red Alert had some of it, but it's great that they optimized stuff like that for both.
I'm not gonna say that I'm an expert in everything they did.... but the minute I learned it was being done, I started following the people involved, and kept a close eye on every "news" release that was done.

The developers, in an effort to ensure that it was "done right", formed a Community Input group, with some long time fans directly involved to let the devs know what the fans wanted, and what they expected. There was a very strong line of communication between the devs and this group, which passed along what they learned to everyone else. The day it went on pre-sale, I had already been sold on buying it, so it was a no-brainer for me.

A documentary was even made about the process (which was extensive, and far from "easy"). That the game(s) only cost $20, given all of that effort, time, money, and love.... Best bargain for a game in history, without being actually stolen, that is....

Here's the documentary:
Yeah the C&C Remastered was incredible. It's funny how sharp you imagine dos games on your 14 inch 800x600 screen until you revisit them.

Pressing that toggle to see the before & after those 4k retexturing & particle effects and everything else was quite shocking. Like others have said the building queues are amazing.

I'll add my favorite addition however was simply to zoom out. The original game was way too zoomed in, I guess the original 320x200 or whatever required it because the pixels were so giant. But to see significantly more on a 4k screen is a real treat!

They kept cheap ways to play, such as building a wall all the way into the enemy's base on Tiberium Dawn. The music flexibility to choose certain songs or flip to red alert soundtrack while playing tiberium dawn, too many good changes & additions to list.
I've played TA:ESC more than C&C in recent years. What I like about Escalation is they apparently raised the limit for map size and unit count. Hope they did the same for C&C.
[IOD]Snips wrote:
Yeah the C&C Remastered was incredible. It's funny how sharp you imagine dos games on your 14 inch 800x600 screen until you revisit them.

To be fair, oldschool games did look a helluva better on the CRTs they were designed to be displayed on. Modern gamers make the mistake of trying to make older games look as HD and crisp as possible, but this creates a completely different, inauthentic, and IMO inferior look compared to trying to retain the SD look and all the little tricks that made the games look as good as you remembered.


It's especially common for PS1-era Final Fantasy fans going back to the original versions of those games on modern televisions and wondering why they suddenly look cancer-inducing, wondering if they'd always looked that bad and if their memory was simply playing tricks on them. But you play them on a CRT (or via various ways to try to approximate the CRT experience), and they end up looking just as good as you remember. Even better than the HD remaster attempts, IMO.
Some fun things to do in Tiberium Dawn...

Capture the enemy teams Construction Yard & start building the opposite team's vehicle & infantry along with other advanced buildings inside your base before the enemy destroys it. Depending on the tech level of the mission you're playing on you can be overpowered. Driving around with GDI flamethrowers or GDI stealth tank. NOD mammoth tanks look interesting too.

The AI will still be PISSED if you kill their harvesters. Be prepared to have the same thing happen to you though if you do that.

Bind a key to build the sandbag wall in the keybinding section, so that you just keep hitting it and building it extra quickly. You can do some creative stuff like build a wall into their base & get creative like building an obelisk tower inside the enemy base. Or perhaps you build a wall surrounding the enemy entirely, and break the dam when you're ready.

Or rotate your final base invading army each time with some insane army you've never tried. Have you ever sent 300 minigunners to charge an enemy's base? Or 100 dune buggy vehicles at once?

Build a wall around a patch of tiberium to prevent any harvesters from accessing it, allowing it to grow over time. You'd be surprised how this can multiply into a fortune over time.

Some of my favorite maps are from The Covert Operations such as blackout. Don't forget to explore those handful of missions beyond the campaign of the original game!
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