Mirror damage, really?
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Some adjustments may be needed.
You could probably pick up a mouse cheap from a local Goodwill or something.
I have never played with a mouse I use a trackball.
I dont get it? You died because of mirror damage by leaving the emp in a protected area.

What is wrong with you?
All these years and you haven't figured out that sniper drop is not a protected area? Sniper respawn has 2 exits, not a protected area.
Lowered expectations!
Incorrect. The drop down IS protected, because the deck door is not.
I wish there was a mirror on the wall in resupply that I could break to cause the mirror damage. Although I probably wouldn't do that because I might hurt myself.
Combs hair, stands up straight facing a shiny mirror hanging on the wall on the sniperdeck:
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the best sniper of them all?"

Mirror is angled 20 degrees to the side, so Statix appears in the center view on the mirror.

Most of your mirrors get damaged when you look into it
LGMB95033 wrote:
All these years and you haven't figured out that sniper drop is not a protected area? Sniper respawn has 2 exits, not a protected area.
Lowered expectations!

LGMB95033 wrote:
All these years and you haven't figured out that sniper drop is not a protected area? Sniper respawn has 2 exits, not a protected area.
Lowered expectations!

The sniper drop-down IS a protected area. It's the balcony entrance/exit that isn't protected. You can camp the balcony spawn but not the drop-down. Hence, why the drop-down is a protected area, ergo why you died like a dog with a bad case of mange.
LG had a legit target though. At about 13 seconds the enemy sniper was in his peripheral vision. At 14 seconds you hear him prime the nade. So he clearly wasn't going for cheap kills per se. The sniper (same sniper he saw at 13 seconds) killed him and the emp is dropped. The thing is the emp didn't actually even kill anyone. I'm guessing it must have done critical damage to either a soldier or HW that would have equaled the damage (mirror damage) that ended up killing LG? Is that how mirror damage works?

I think drippy should tinker with the algorithm for situations like this. Granted, they don't happen too often. The odd thing is I had something similar happen to me. I had a legit target near the 2nd floor respawn. My nade though ended up killing a fresh spawn but no mirror damage. Is the mirror damage thing limited to the sniper drop off?
I would have to track if any legit target was near the grenade during its whole lifetime, right now it just checks when it does damage. That could also be exploited by people to throw grenades past legit targets onto the spawn though.

Its pretty rare though and should just serve to discourage people from fighting around spawn exit.
Backalleybuttlove wrote:
LG had a legit target though. At about 13 seconds the enemy sniper was in his peripheral vision. At 14 seconds you hear him prime the nade. So he clearly wasn't going for cheap kills per se. The sniper (same sniper he saw at 13 seconds) killed him and the emp is dropped. The thing is the emp didn't actually even kill anyone. I'm guessing it must have done critical damage to either a soldier or HW that would have equaled the damage (mirror damage) that ended up killing LG? Is that how mirror damage works?

I think drippy should tinker with the algorithm for situations like this. Granted, they don't happen too often. The odd thing is I had something similar happen to me. I had a legit target near the 2nd floor respawn. My nade though ended up killing a fresh spawn but no mirror damage. Is the mirror damage thing limited to the sniper drop off?

I think it’s fine. What happened to LG doesn’t happen that often and the only times I’ve seen people constantly complain are ones who are mad they couldn’t get away with “camping” spawn either directly or indirectly. I think people forget how the invincibility flags work like don’t fire your weapon or prime a made and a couple other things. That way when you walk out of the exit you still have invincibility and if someone damages you, it gets reflected. Great way to deter spawn campers or people who try to get away with it indirectly by purposely dying near it with explosives (looking at you try hard demos dying with MIRVs).
Yes, but why is the drop down protected in the first place? there are 2 exits. doesn't make any sense at all. they should both be allowed to be camped, seeing as such there is another way to exit.
Backalleybuttlove wrote:
LG had a legit target though. At about 13 seconds the enemy sniper was in his peripheral vision. At 14 seconds you hear him prime the nade. So he clearly wasn't going for cheap kills per se. The sniper (same sniper he saw at 13 seconds) killed him and the emp is dropped. The thing is the emp didn't actually even kill anyone. I'm guessing it must have done critical damage to either a soldier or HW that would have equaled the damage (mirror damage) that ended up killing LG? Is that how mirror damage works?

I think drippy should tinker with the algorithm for situations like this. Granted, they don't happen too often. The odd thing is I had something similar happen to me. I had a legit target near the 2nd floor respawn. My nade though ended up killing a fresh spawn but no mirror damage. Is the mirror damage thing limited to the sniper drop off?

Correct. He did have a legitimate target in that clip (the Sniper you mentioned). I'm guessing that the Sniper saw the grenade and backed away from it, while someone dropped down from above, getting caught in the detonation.

But no, the mirror damage isn't limited to the drop down, it's based on a freshly spawned player (specifically in the SS Respawn and dropdown, as well as the Main Respawn exit). A freshly spawned player loses that "fresh respawn" protection if they prime a grenade/sniper shot or shoot a weapon prior to the natural timer (I forget how long it is). The protection is designed to allow the freshly spawned player to "gear up" and enter the field of battle "fairly".

What happened to LG in this clip is something that often happens (usually at the Main Respawn exit, though).... a grenade is primed, and dropped when the player is killed. That "doesn't count" as Spamming the Respawn, because it's not something the player can control (read: Accidents happen). He just happened to (I'm assuming) damage a freshly spawned player who likely hadn't dropped down yet, and got the Mirror Damage that way. Certainly not something he should be banned over, and it's rare that the Mirror Damage even catches someone it shouldn't (like this).

Had he copped a ban for it, Drippy- would have removed it, I'm sure. But removing a "suicide" from the stats page.... I don't think that's going to happen.
Nookie wrote:
Yes, but why is the drop down protected in the first place? there are 2 exits. doesn't make any sense at all. they should both be allowed to be camped, seeing as such there is another way to exit.

Because two players could effectively "lock down" everyone in that room if the drop down wasn't "protected" by the camping/spamming rule (one at each exit). The deck door is fine to camp/spam, so be happy with that.

The dropdown has the same rule as the Main Respawn exit, and for the same reason. It's to allow players to get into the field of battle without worrying about getting locked in due to spam and camping.

If you want to camp the sniper deck door.... have fun. That's not illegal.
by playing which class? demo is the only 1 i can think of that would make a huge impact. but not enough to say it should be off limits. especially in a 13v13 game. no way those are getting camped for more than 4 kills.

i vote to remove it.
and the bhop cap.
and the duck/crouch restriction.

not my fault 15+ year vets at the game don't know how or never took the time to learn basic gameplay
LGMB95033 wrote:
I have never played with a mouse I use a trackball.

this explains so much
Nookie wrote:
by playing which class? demo is the only 1 i can think of that would make a huge impact. but not enough to say it should be off limits. especially in a 13v13 game. no way those are getting camped for more than 4 kills.

i vote to remove it.
and the bhop cap.
and the duck/crouch restriction.

not my fault 15+ year vets at the game don't know how or never took the time to learn basic gameplay

So you get a game with vets vs beginners, and the team balancer says its fair so whatever...

Without protection timers, imagine one hwguy camping on the enemy sniper deck door, and another hwguy camping under the enemy spawn dropdown literally waiting there. Meanwhile new gamers spawning haven't figured out how to prime hold a grenade or basics, and continue to die very fast no matter which of the two pathways they go. Their only hope is to die repeatedly until their respawn location changes to the main respawn that has stronger spawn protections in place offering them four pathways.

That's too complicated for new players. You can't just say this game's been out for 20 years already, and that this game shouldn't be new for anybody by now. Don't get me wrong, it would be great to open a 2nd drippy server if there was a larger player base with less restrictions, I'd totally be interested! You'd need a line waiting to get into a fully drippys server today first though. Would need something like a theatrical Half-life movie or book series to get mainstream audiences temporarily interested in these half-life mods to boost player numbers. 2024 computer games can't get any prettier & yet shittier gameplay wise, patience is rewarded if new gamers just give tfc a try.
Yeah LG had a legit target. It didn't appear like anyone would've gotten hit with that emp, but yes it's highly likely a fresh spawn was running towards that dropdown those few seconds the emp was offscreen & then blew.

I swear I remember spawning a long time ago quickly ignoring the armor bag running to the sniperdeck as fast as possible. The moment the deckdoors opened, an enemy sniper fired a charged shot at me and they had died instantly with mirror damage. I was confused at the time but if it is a timer based trigger then this makes sense after reading this thread. Only saw this once or twice, not positive it was on this server but thought it was.

I agree nothing should be changed, if something happens once every thousand games big changes shouldn't be made to anything.
It's all fine. Yes, some people die now and again for unfortunate reasons, but overall the game is fine. Thanks to Drippy.

But, if you want to blame anyone for the spawn protection being there in the first place, then blame Brah, WKBD, Ghent and others, who pipe-jumped over to the balcony spawn as demoman every few seconds all game, MIRV primed (knowing they'll die) and then they caused carnage when they die and the MIRV drops right in front of the spawn exit. It's those griefing fuckers who are to blame.. fuck them, the rats.
[IOD]Snips wrote:
Nookie wrote:
by playing which class? demo is the only 1 i can think of that would make a huge impact. but not enough to say it should be off limits. especially in a 13v13 game. no way those are getting camped for more than 4 kills.

i vote to remove it.
and the bhop cap.
and the duck/crouch restriction.

not my fault 15+ year vets at the game don't know how or never took the time to learn basic gameplay

So you get a game with vets vs beginners, and the team balancer says its fair so whatever...

Without protection timers, imagine one hwguy camping on the enemy sniper deck door, and another hwguy camping under the enemy spawn dropdown literally waiting there. Meanwhile new gamers spawning haven't figured out how to prime hold a grenade or basics, and continue to die very fast no matter which of the two pathways they go. Their only hope is to die repeatedly until their respawn location changes to the main respawn that has stronger spawn protections in place offering them four pathways.

That's too complicated for new players. You can't just say this game's been out for 20 years already, and that this game shouldn't be new for anybody by now. Don't get me wrong, it would be great to open a 2nd drippy server if there was a larger player base with less restrictions, I'd totally be interested! You'd need a line waiting to get into a fully drippys server today first though. Would need something like a theatrical Half-life movie or book series to get mainstream audiences temporarily interested in these half-life mods to boost player numbers. 2024 computer games can't get any prettier & yet shittier gameplay wise, patience is rewarded if new gamers just give tfc a try.

I still think the balancer is wonky. Like for some reason a couple nights ago, it put me, melissa, and dullrazer and the rest of the team was ppl who were new and just bought the game vs a whole team of grapefruits. It literally did not go well and idk why the balancer felt a 3 v 10 was fair (I dont count the other 7 newbies). But idk how much more it can be adjusted and just accepted the fact that you are going to get a very bad game every once in a while.

[SHS]Hitz wrote:
who pipe-jumped over to the balcony spawn as demoman every few seconds all game, MIRV primed (knowing they'll die) and then they caused carnage when they die and the MIRV drops right in front of the spawn exit. It's those griefing fuckers who are to blame.. fuck them, the rats.

TBH, this is why I am for the spawn protection. I dubbed it petty spam and notice people do this when they can't get passed the defense of a 13 man team where everyone is on D. Yeah I get it, it is super frustrating cause I have been there too. But I feel it gets to that point that people just want to say fuck it and stuff that irks me a bit because the bomblets can go where the user intended even if the MIRV isnt. Hence why i think if you see someone doing it, do not lose your invincibility and just let the mirror damage do its thing to deter it. Like once i had a demo just spam the exit and the mirror damage said nope and what should have taken half my life or killed me killed him. Problem solved
[SHS]Hitz wrote:
It's all fine. Yes, some people die now and again for unfortunate reasons, but overall the game is fine. Thanks to Drippy.

But, if you want to blame anyone for the spawn protection being there in the first place, then blame Brah, WKBD, Ghent and others, who pipe-jumped over to the balcony spawn as demoman every few seconds all game, MIRV primed (knowing they'll die) and then they caused carnage when they die and the MIRV drops right in front of the spawn exit. It's those griefing fuckers who are to blame.. fuck them, the rats.

well, sniper deck spawn exit is fine and dandy. the other exit you are speaking about is already protected, which i agree with. im talking about the sniper drop down, which most people avoid anyways.

and a tele is a 3rd way out of this spawn area.
I was talking about the sniper drop-down. My point is that the spawn protection was brought in due to the spammy griefers/yahoos/gays causing chaos with the "accidentally dropped" MIRVS at the main spawn exit. This spawn protection also applies to the sniper drop-down.
LGMB95033 wrote:
All these years and you haven't figured out that sniper drop is not a protected area? Sniper respawn has 2 exits, not a protected area.
Lowered expectations!

Wrong as has already been pointed out by Iggy.

For someone who bitches about rule breakers all the time you dont even know the rules.
Nookie wrote:
by playing which class? demo is the only 1 i can think of that would make a huge impact. but not enough to say it should be off limits. especially in a 13v13 game. no way those are getting camped for more than 4 kills.

i vote to remove it.
and the bhop cap.
and the duck/crouch restriction.

not my fault 15+ year vets at the game don't know how or never took the time to learn basic gameplay

Yeah good luck with that
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