
JohnnyCanuck (STEAM_0:0:101268)
Kills Per Hour for each Class

Scout Crowbar Master, Destroyer of HWGuys, Cold Giver, Napalm in the Morning, Acid Dealer, WMD Creator

Last joined on 05/01/2017. First recorded join on 8/30/2005.

JohnnyCanuck has also been seen as: Cownada, BotFood, Happy Cownada Day, JohnnyCownuck, hosehead, CowFood, Moory Cowmas & Happy Moo Year, Moory Cowmas Happy Moo Year, Moory Cowmas and Happy Moo Year, Merry Cowmas and Happy Moo Year, Happy Moo Year, |COW|CowCowCow, |MAD|JohnnyCanuck, |MAD|JohnnyCanuck|, |COW|CowCow, |Moo|MooCowMoo, Wrenches O'Cownahan, [TFCR]<RedNote>, |COW|MooMoo, England, Sponsored by Colgate, Soccer Blows Cows, Come at me, Bro!, |MOO|MooMoo, Moory Cowmas and Happy Mooyear, |MOO|MooCow, Ben Dover, Wrenches O'Shannahan, Wrench's O'Shanahan, Merry Cowman and Happy Moo Year

Generic Totals
Hours Played:2,547.28 (#112)
Enemy Kills:153,534 (#106)
Deaths from Enemies:132,470
Kill to Death Ratio:1:1.01 (#7,074)
Kills Per Hour:60.27 (#6,485)
Team Kills:436
Deaths from Team:380
Team to Enemy Kills:1:352.14
Flag Caps:2,900 (#70)
Lines Said:119,665
Team to Global Lines:1:1.35
Server Joins:5,363
? Offense Kills:64,916
? Defense Kills:88,618
Flag Carrier Kills:6,088 (#90)
Sentry Gun Kills:12,140 (#76)
Dispenser Kills:4,940 (#82)
Teleporter Exits Destroyed:6524
TP Entrances Destroyed:1342
Classes54% EngineerHours: 1,394
Kills: 94,654
Deaths: 51,300
Caps: 443
41% MedicHours: 1,052
Kills: 55,066
Deaths: 76,663
Caps: 2,368
2% PyroHours: 66
Kills: 2,996
Deaths: 3,520
Caps: 9
<1% ScoutHours: 5
Kills: 45
Deaths: 244
Caps: 77
<1% SniperHours: 0
Kills: 0
Deaths: 0
Caps: 0
<1% SoldierHours: 6
Kills: 355
Deaths: 312
Caps: 2
<1% DemomanHours: 1
Kills: 33
Deaths: 33
Caps: 0
<1% HWGuyHours: 0
Kills: 3
Deaths: 2
Caps: 0
<1% SpyHours: 8
Kills: 379
Deaths: 389
Caps: 1
Hours Played for each Class
Game Records
Most Enemy Kills:124
Most Friendly Kills:18
Most Deaths:118
Most Suicides:20
Lines Said (all):98
Lines Said (team):76
Most Kills in a Game per Class
Custom Stats
Total uNFs:1,645 (#38)
Deflowerings:636 (#36)
Known straight uNFs:11%
Successful Hunts:4
Failed Hunts:8
Hunts Foiled:16
Hunt Success:33% (#755)
Beer Purchases:1
Bagel Purchases:0
Killstreaks Ended:145
Class Changes:10,723